music in fermanagh 2015-2024

Previous Performers

Here we bring you more insight into the reknowned, international artists Music in Fermanagh has featured over the years. From distinguished performers to rising stars, Music in Fermanagh has continued to delight Fermanagh audiences with a varied annual programme of concerts since 2015.

Previous Performers

ConTempo Quartet

“Polished and professional group… full of exuberance and with a fine sense of ensemble… real sensitivity…” - The Strad / Wigmore Hall Formed in 1995 in Bucharest, ConTempo Quartet is recognised...

ConTempo Quartet

“Polished and professional group… full of exuberance and with a fine sense of ensemble… real sensitivity…” - The Strad / Wigmore Hall Formed in 1995 in Bucharest, ConTempo Quartet is recognised...

Musici Ireland

Formed in 2012, Musici Ireland have performed hundreds of concerts across Ireland and have been broadcast across the world. Musici Ireland is rooted in creativity and exploration. Led by women,...

Musici Ireland

Formed in 2012, Musici Ireland have performed hundreds of concerts across Ireland and have been broadcast across the world. Musici Ireland is rooted in creativity and exploration. Led by women,...

Ashley Wass (piano)

Described as an "endlessly fascinating artist", Ashley Wass’s musical career is one of unusual creativity and variety. Alongside his work as soloist and chamber musician, he is co-founder of Mash Productions,...

Ashley Wass (piano)

Described as an "endlessly fascinating artist", Ashley Wass’s musical career is one of unusual creativity and variety. Alongside his work as soloist and chamber musician, he is co-founder of Mash Productions,...